Monday, October 29, 2012
Facebook - My Passing Fad
Three years ago this past January I decided to follow some of my blogging buddies off to the world of Facebook.
I am not one who would indiscriminately add people for whom I didn't know. My theory was to hang with the family,blogging buddies,circles associated with blogging buddies,and a limited number of past friends.
One of the reasons I went was a chance to share my pictures,hear about what was going on in the family groups, and to catch other hunter's experiences in a centralized location.
I have had my fill of individuals saying how positive they believe themselves to be and then a little while later they are battling with negative emotions about some issue, letting everyone know...Individuals who depend on the public for their livelyhoods, but so willing to express how they feel about those people if their patience is tested. My ability to filter all the emotions I see expressed have reached a boiling point;I need to take another path.
Experiences on Facebook are what you make of them and could be a profitable use of Social Media.I cannot unequivocally say I will never return, but for now I am taking a vacation from the dramas,material that I don't believe is appropriate and widely accepted...