Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Did you see IT?

Hmmm,see what??? The Lunar Eclipse of course.... It was an awesome event. Started watching around 3:51 A.M. and finished viewing at 5:37 A.M. from my location in central Iowa. Kept running between the computer and the sliding glass doors facing the southern sky. Woke my husband up to see what things looked like at 4:47; just a little before it was totally to the full coverage point. He tottered back to bed, but I am up for the day having had my first cup of coffee already...Another cup isn't far off. So, how many early risers were able to catch the eclipse this morning???? Have a great Day!


  1. Not this guy. It's been a rough week and my body decided that sleep was much better.

    I am guessing that it was spectacular though.

  2. Shoot, I was thinking that it would happen tonight. Guess I missed it.

  3. Arthur , Well, sometimes we need to catch up on some much needed "ZZZZZZ's".

    Kristine , I am sorry you didn't get to see it this morning, but you will get another chance come Feb. 20/21,2008. http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/LEmono/TLE2008Feb21/TLE2008Feb21.html

  4. I didn't get to see it either......but was tossing and turning during the night thinking about it. Then I had a dream that I saw a shooting star go right by the moom! Whatever! :)

  5. Seeing stars, eah Marian?;)
    Maybe you'll see the next eclipse come February.

  6. for visiting. Good luck !


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