Monday, August 20, 2007

Meeting Like Minds

Last month I found an internet community over at MyBlogLog. Then I typed in "Deer Hunting" in the search box. WooHoo! Hit the jackpot! Certainly many types of blogs on the same topic, different styles of writing. All had the general consensus from women and men that hunting is one avenue to get back to nature - a clan activity. Hunters go off to bring home the prey and have a story to relate of their experiences. Love it! ; ) We all like to have success stories of hitting the target whether it be big game or the little varmints that can make life a system of potholes. Be it by handgun,shotgun, rifle, bow, or trap in the case of our trapping cohorts. I will continue to be mult-faceted at "Timber Life", but this is a favorite topic of conversation. Wrapping things up for this post I would like to mention some of the new contacts I have made...If I don't get them all please keep checking back to the links list - you will see them posted there. Please take time to go over and check out these websites. I have found some instruction on hunting as well as some giggles. Thanks for stopping by! New Links


  1. Glad I found your site from Deer Camp Blog! Will look forward to your posts. Would love to swap links!

  2. Great site. My wife hunts and I always love to see more women involved in the outdoors. I will add you to my link list. Promise to keep checking back often.

  3. Thank you so much for the link...I have you linked as well. Looking forward to reading your post. :)

  4. It's great to find another woman writing about the outdoors. According to Rex at the Deer Camp Blog, you're also supporting the Outdoor Bloggers Summit. That's terrific, as we want to involve as many outdoor bloggers as possible.

  5. Thanks to everyone that has stopped in to visit.
    If you have a link please let me know so I can read your site...To those that have placed my link on your site I am very thankful!

    I am interested in responsible hunting and conservation of our natural resources. So, yes I think the Outdoor Bloggers Summit will be one of the links I will pass along to my readers.

    Again Thanks...

  6. Came by from Rex's place. I am not a hunter--anymore but do some serious fishing.

  7. I too found your site via Deer Camp Blog. I'm happy to see another woman hunter blogging. Would love to swap links! Hope to see you over The Wild WoodsWoman!

  8. Thanks to Rex I found you here. Nice blog you have here and welcome to the Outdoor Bloggers Summit. Hope you don’t mind if I add you to my blogroll!

    Keep the good work up!!!

    -Othmar Vohringer-

  9. Well, like everyone else that hangs out over at Rex's Deer Camp Blog, I found your site with his direction. I am excited about more woman in the outdoor arenas. My blog is all about fishin', but, I will be adding your link to my BlogBuddies List as I also link with several other hunting and outdoor type blogs also. Drop by and say hello and I will check back often.

  10. Nice site. I too found it through the Deer Camp Blog and will add it to my blogroll.

  11. Rex sent me over, glad that he did! It is great to meet more women who love the outdoors!

  12. Makes me very happy to see so many women and pro-women hunters. Have a wonderful day! Big Thanks to Rex!

  13. I'm impressed with your site. My hubby likes hunting and would love to live in Iowa, too. ;)

    Don't ask me how I found your site! It was extremely round about. Read your profile. Have you read any of THoene's books? Wonderful reads. I recommend them if you like inspirational fiction.

    THanks for sharing.

  14. Morgan,
    Glad you found me!

    My husband hasn't been interested in hunting thus far. Think I need to get another gun though ;) Things might be changing.

    No,I haven't read any of Thoene's books. I will take it into consideration...

  15. Thank you for the link! Very nice site and blog... Keep up the good work.


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