Sunday, October 21, 2007

What Season is this?!

Yesterday, the morning started off cool and calm. Hubby jumped out of bed before sunrise to pull the voisin 3/5 out of the hangar. He wanted to head it up above the cool temps into the inversion layer, warm, smooth sailing. The voisin went higher than it has ever flown. Sunrise came shortly after he was air borne. Said he" wished he had remembered his camera." Needless to say he wished he would have extended his flight time by a half an hour, loves to soar... Caught some deer activity before the sun came up. Headed one in the direction of the pasture north of the house; cut a buck off from crossing our country road as I drove in the direction of the local blacktop. Was wishin' the light of day had been brighter so I could check out the statistics. We reached the pleasant temperature of 77 degrees, not what you might consider very good hunting weather. Had to open some windows to cool the house down, with the sun making good thermal heat and the oven working to bake that special treat for the weekend things got HOT. Watched for things considered out of the ordinary due to the calendar date. Bees still swarming out of the hallow in the tree. Monarch flitting by the window, Asian Beetles making their presence unmistakeably conspicuous, where's the Box Elder bugs?! Heard some gun shots in the vicinity . The youth and disabled individuals of Iowa were given two days to find their Pheasants for this year on October 20th and 21st. Can't say for sure that the activity was for that purpose, but I can positively confirm that someone was cultivating the art of using a shotgun. Before the sunset on this gorgeous day I was off into the timber to checkout the well worn deer paths. Didn't see anything but I did hear activity on the other side of the ravine, running away from me. Ah, the imagination, replaying what I saw in the back yard earlier in the week. Maybe, it was one of those guys....


  1. We had 74 degrees on Sunday. I'm not sure what season this is either. The leaves are turning, but the color isn't all that great, I think the changes in temperature are confusing the trees.

    I'm ready for Fall and Winter. It's time for cooler temperatures.

  2. Kristine - I am with you. We need to see cooler weather.

    Saw some nice leaf color changes in September when I was out in South Dakota in the Black Hills and parts of Minnesota. Hasn't translated to here either.

  3. We've got boxelder bugs aplenty - I'll send some your way! Sounds like a really nice day you had!

  4. Dana - It was a nice day! Thanks for the offer to share your box elder bugs with me...we had some the first part of the month. They usually co-mingle with the asian beetles but not this time around.

  5. Looks like the cooler weather is heading our way here in Michigan.

    The bees and mosquitoes have been out in full force the last couple of days with the warmer weather though.

  6. Arthur - Glad things are going to cool off up your direction. Sounds like we are going to finally see more seasonal temps here too. We can all do the "Happy Dance" now.;)


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