Monday, November 26, 2007

In My Dreams

Today everywhere I looked seemed to have a deer of one shape or another occupying the space. I am wondering if it is because they feel safe here after the bow season has been going on for so long and the anterless season which ran over the weekend finished up last night. People have been using the south side of our property for their personal use without permission. Most evident on our return from the Thanksgiving holiday when we had time to survey things Saturday morning. Caught someone leaving after dark when I was returning from a grocery run Saturday evening. They were intending to come down the hill from the other side but I was blocking the way. As I started their direction the exit through the cornfield was the escape of choice. Will continue to make more runs down that direction to keep them on guessing. My mail excursion happened shortly before 3:00 today. What was unexpected were the 2 bucks and 2 does feasting west of Hubby's runway . Later,working on putting a few Christmas decorations up I glanced outside. My eyes grew wide as saucers, not unlike those of a child in awe of new sights. Feast your eyes on what I saw and know what will be in my dreams,to focus on , in order to get ready for the shotgun seasons beginning at the end of the week.


  1. Well, you know there are lots of deer around. That's a good thing.

    Great picture too.

  2. Kristine - Yes, no problem having something to shoot at...Just need to see what happens this year.

  3. you need to stop babying those deer and send them by me.

  4. Hubby wouldn't mind if I loaded some up in a stock truck and moved them on.
    If it were only legal... Get some more of those handsome bucks to run in your direction. I know you would be able to take care of them. ;)

  5. Oh me oh my! He'll be in my dreams too! Here's to hoping for the "after" photos...

  6. Yes, that buck will make someone a nice steak, a roast or two... Hope I see him again come shotgun season, for the "after photos too..."

  7. Wow! Can you send me your address and how much an out of state license costs!:):)):)

    Great buck. Hopefully we read a post in the future where you tagged him!

  8. Arthur- Thanks for the offer of help to lessen the herd, particularly one with antlers, I'm sure. ;)

    You all will be the second in line to hear when it happens.

  9. windyridge - Thanks ! Had a rough start to the season today with the ice.


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