Sunday, December 30, 2007

Special Deer Season Results

The Iowa DNR has published the tallied results for the special deer season declared to run on December 21st-23rd. It appears even with the additional season doe counts still need to be reduced according to the projected management numbers. Opening day for the season started off extremely foggy and ended no better than it began.

I did go out on Friday...Saturday morning we spent trying to determine whether we would brave the weather conditions after noon to travel 40+ miles one way for a late afternoon family Christmas. The concern was the return trip home for everyone after dark with the wind whipping up the newly fallen snow. Sunday morning was again a decision making period for another trip to another family Christmas. There was blowing snow and slick spots to navigate in places, otherwise the day was sunny and bright. On our way home from Sunday's Christmas gathering the sun was beginning to set. I looked over to our right, saw a pick-up truck leaving a cornfield with two orange clad riders. My thought imme-diately went to wonder at what they were able to achieve on the close of another hunting season here in Iowa. Feeling a little bit of disappointment that I wasn't closing the day in the same way; brought back the memories of the time that was spent outside, and the future that will yield more opportunities...

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