Saturday, March 22, 2008

Writings by Linda K. Burch

Last week I met a very vivacious huntress by the name of Linda K. Burch. She began her hunting passion when she was 37 years old, that was 18 years ago. Linda comes across as a positive go getter. Since our introduction I have been reading her writings to gain a more complete picture of who she is and where her articles are published. She has started her own safety supply company with items you might be familiar with - "Firetacks" products for marking trails. A women that lives and breathes hunting, Linda has done some writing for Her range runs from instructional to humorous.

Once again we are reaching a time of year where outside activities are increasing. If you have a minute to bookmark Linda's writings, I believe you will find entertainment, and tips to checkout after those tiring trips to the timber. She is a Christian woman with a positive voice for the proliferation of the art of ethical hunting in the world of women today...


  1. I really like those fire tacks! Great idea.

  2. windyridge - At the seminar a week ago, we received some Fire tape to put out. I haven't tested it yet but will certainly let you know when I do.

  3. Good post and good example that you are never too old to develop a passion for hunting!

  4. Matt - Thanks for stopping by. Yes, learning something new can keep us young. Linda inspires...

  5. Good post and very encouraging for the middle-aged generation that often think they are at the end of their achievement phase in life. I have heard about Linda K. Burch and think she is a great role model as a women, hunter and businessperson.


  6. Othmar- I totally agree that the middle-aged generation has much living to do. Many hunting and fishing excursions yet to take.

  7. I'm going to check out some of her writings. Sounds like she has some good stuff.

  8. simplyoutdoors - I bet you will find some chuckles in her humorous writings. ;)


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