Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Part of Big Garden seen from the back doorAPRIL Showers...Bring MAY flowers! Well, it started off with showers this morning. The contrast from today to tomorrow, and beyond is that we are going to be seeing the sun and get up to the upper 50's and beyond. HURRAY!!! Junco FeastingThis little Junco was the only bird that would sit still long enough for me to take its picture. Had the WHOLE suet cake to himself. The bluejays,cardinals, chick-a-dees, downy and hairy woodpeckers, red bellied sapsuckers,and nuthatches all took flight when the backdoor swung open ...

Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head ;)

Pictures for the photo album..."Remember the last Iowa Spring snow on April 3rd, 2008. " Famous last words?


  1. We are having rain this morning and are looking at the same warmer weather for the next week.

    Great pictures.

  2. Well, now you've tempted fate. Here in Michigan we never say the "last" snow. We've had snow in July, although that is rare.

  3. the hunter's wife - I saw the big weather front crossing over your way...
    Beginning to wonder if you folks ever have dry days?
    Hope the sunshine will come your way.

    As for the pictures, I am trying to learn how to have interesting content. Glad you liked them. ;)

  4. kristine - I know, I know!
    We still have chances of snow through the month of April, best chances statistically speaking up until the 16th.

    Historically, we have seen snow in early May...Let's hope this isn't a year for any of us to make history!


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