Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Garden Plant Update

The plants are liking their location by the window. I can see changes everyday. I am able to switch the plants around during the day to help make the stems stronger as they are drawn back and forth. The larger plants were seeded on March 19th. The peppers and eggplants were seeded at the same time, but it took them the normal 21 day range for them to sprout; their size is equivalent to the tomatoes I seeded on April 4th. I had some sweet potatoes left over from what a friend gave me last fall. They have been trying to sprout so I stuck them in a soil less potting medium. I broke one sprout off and placed in a plant cell, it developed roots very quickly. This is the first time I have tried this so I'm having a good time learning from instructions I have found on the 'Net.


  1. Looks like they're coming along nice. I couldn't grow something if my life depended on it.

  2. simplyoutdoors - Thanks, they are doing okay at the moment. With this wet weather we have been having outside the little plants may have to be inside for a little longer.

    I am picky about soil conditions when I plant. ;)


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