Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The"Eyes" Have It !

Sunday, April 13th, I changed the location of one of the field cameras to the back of the garden. Deer activity is always busy back there so I decided to get pictures. What has been comical is the up close, curious attitudes of some of the brown, four-legged creatures.
Eye LevelThis picture was caught back in January, in a place not far from the one on Sunday. I have shared it before, but it's entertainment value continues to make me laugh...


  1. Great pictures.

    Deer are so smart, yet so curious sometimes.

    It gets them a little more then they bargained for at time as well:)

  2. I had some other shots I wanted to share but couldn't get the blog program to accomadate the way I wanted it to present.

    Yes, those deer are a smart bunch. Sometimes...;)

  3. That's cute! I guess the eyes have it after all! Thanks for sharing a laugh! :)

  4. Marian - Thanks so much for stopping by! ;)

    Those deer down by you are really having a rough time with all the high water.

    You stay high and dry too.

  5. Those are some great pictures. I guess the deer were ready for their close-up.

  6. kristin - Just waiting for one of those nosy bodies to try and lick the camera. ;) Now wouldn't that be a picture?!


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