Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mother's Day Present

Friday, May 2nd , 11:45 A.M. we located the Madison, SD., Countryside Kennel,where we met with Dorothy Sanborn co-owner,to visit with our soon to be English Springer Spaniel puppy "Sadie".
At six weeks old she was weaned a couple of days before we arrived. She and her siblings are still not very aware of the world beyond their little family cubicle. We had a great time visiting not only with our puppy, but all the little cuties being housed in the same building. Three of Sadie's siblings came to visit us as we were standing outside their pen. One of her sisters was really trying to escape the joint to explore the great huge world beyond. Then one of her brothers set up a howl, even at the tender age of 6 weeks and three days. What pipes the little guy had! Gave us all a chuckle for the day. Our visit concluded, Sadie, put back into her pen, she snuggled in for a nap with her family as we visited with Dorothy on our way out the door. Looking forward to the time we will be able to bring her to her "forever home",and the opportunity to share the outdoor experience as she gets older...


  1. How cute are those puppies. They look like my puddles.

  2. the hunter's wife - Puppies are so cute and sometimes those eyes just draw you in.

    They are fun even when they grow up. ;)

  3. Have fun with your new family member. Puppies are a pleasure. Well, most of the time anyway!

  4. eagle eyes- I am expecting some not so acceptable behavior. Puppies and owners always have some growing pains. We will get through them.

    Thanks for the well wishes.;)

  5. What a sweetheart. It should be lots of fun when you bring her home.

    Every time I see a puppy or a kitten I think I want a pet. Guess I'll have to wait until I have time for one.

  6. kristine - They do take time and if you are otherwise committed it is just another thing to do when you get home...Not so enjoyable.

    I am looking forward to getting her next week. Plan on sharing her with the world when she gets here. My mother, grandkids, neighbors and their kids, the list goes on ...

  7. Beautiful puppy! I got my first puppy in many years about two months ago. He's been a lot of work but also a lot of fun.

    Good luck with Sadie!

  8. Matt - Yes, puppies are an investment in time. After a while they get the hang of things and so will we once again.

    I had some Cocker Spaniels born in 1985,sisters. One passed away in 1992 and the other one in 1999.

    Thanks for stopping by. I am sure to have fun with Sadie. You have a good time with your's too. ;)

  9. I LOVE puppies! Yours is Adorable!

  10. Blessed - You should have gone with me to the puppy nursery at the kennel. OH so cute!

    As a proud parent-to-be of a four legged little girl- I love Sadie's wavy hair on her ears and head. ;) Thanks!


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