Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Puppy Training Manual

You know what I have on my mind these days. No, Sadie hasn't come home yet, but it is only a day away. Hubby thought this would be a good way to keep track of all her milestones, her baby book if you will. Finding sticks and rocks to chew...teething on the rocking chair. Oh yes, and her first pheasant retrieval in the field. Everything that comes with bringing up a 4-legged little girl. I will probably have some grandchildren to entertain this coming weekend after our puppy finds herself apart of her "forever home". That is what I want though, for Sadie to know who the important people are, and for the grandchildren to have no fear of her...


  1. What a great idea. We didn't get our dog until he was 4 months and he was already house broke and crate trained. It was awesome.

    I wish you the best of luck with the training and I can't wait to see the pictures as she grows up.

  2. simplyoutdoors - I have been catching a few frames of "Gun Dogs", now and then. Certainly have a lot to learn on my part when it comes to training a puppy for hunting.

    Pictures will be forthcoming for sure!

    You did have a little bit of an edge when you got your puppy. So you didn't have quite so many potty accidents to start with. ;)

  3. Yay, Sadie's coming home! I hope you take lots and lots of pictures.

  4. kristine - Not going to be quite so exciting this time as my visit to the kennel.

    I will be meeting the Sanborns in Sioux Falls, picking up Sadie there.

    Still should have some new pictures very soon. ;)

  5. Looking forward to seeing your new "Sadie" - Hope you have many years to enjoy her! She has a lot of room to roam... :)

  6. marian love phillips - You can be certain there will be pictures.

    I went to get her today. Already charming us with her sweet nature. She is learning quickly.

    Yes, LOTs of room to roam. ;)

  7. We have two English Springer Spaniels, a brother and sister, separated by one litter. Nikki, black and white female, is 3 yrs now while her brother Kiehin, liver and white, is 2 years old. I have trained them from puppy-hood and crate training was part of their learning process. What a beautiful loving well-behaved pair of dogs they have matured into.

    Colleen W
    English Springer Space

  8. Colleen - I would like to get another puppy to go with Sadie but probably not for awhile.

    It is wonderful at what great friends to us they can turnout to be. ;)


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