Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Hunt is On

Hunt ? What Hunt?!? Well, for the Wild Gooseberry of course! In about three days the Wild Raspberries will begin their period of supplying my demand. The Mulberries are ready too if you enjoy their flavor. The floor of the timber has some pretty dense weeds, invasive honeysuckle, fallen limbs, trees and a myriad of other obstacles to get around. Fun all the same! If you ask me. Getting a little steamy out there! The Deep Woods Off! isn't lasting more than two hours with skin moisture dilution. Mosquitoes just hovering in wait to take advantage once the deet goes away. The berry picking for me means that half of the year is gone and the slide to the end is picking up speed. Other types of hunting getting closer and closer. These boots are made for walkingI have had my trusty boots for 7 years now...gone through lots of stuff. Wear them when I am off to the timber to avoid thorny brush in the feet syndrome and those little squiggly green snakes babies I have seen in the neighborhood as of late...


  1. I've never berry hunted before, but sounds like a good time. You should try a thermacell to keep those mosquitos away. They even make a cool pouch so you can carry it along with you.

  2. simplyoutdoors - Thanks for the suggestion to keep mosquitoes away. I really do need something else besides spray.

    Maybe if you are interested in nature crafting you could search for a place to find a berry or two. ;)

  3. Love the pic of your boots and love berries careful and don't step on no snakes. Off Spray has cornstarch in it now and sprays on like powder...don't know if it would be as effective or have enough deet in it.

  4. I discovered today that my "lawn" has wild strawberries growing in a few sections! No wonder the birds have been hanging out on the grass so much these days

  5. windyridge - That would be interesting to see why the birds have been paying so much attention to the yard.

    Wild strawberries, neat!

  6. Except there's none left!

  7. marian- Yes, we have those pesky moquitoes that bring the West Nile virus. They suggest deet around here, probably down your way too.
    I can certainly give your suggestion a try.

    My boots are heavy duty. Got them so I can protect my feet when I cut up trees now and then.

    windyridge/osony - Now that you know they are there you can cover the area next year so you get the strawberries. ;)


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