Friday, July 18, 2008


Fallen Hickory Had some 10:00 P.M. strong weather. Sounded like a mighty rushing wind . Found some broken tree tops , leaves down, grill flipped over... That is the first survey of the situation. There isn't time to walk far at the moment. Have to get read to take my Mom for a knee surgery consultation today. The Hickory on the ground stood among some dead Red Elm until last night. Question comes to mind why the Hickory???


  1. That picture kinds of looks like our city block from a couple of weeks ago.

    I see sadie is taking in all the action as well.

  2. simplyoutdoors - I imagine since your's were within the city much worst effect, as I have read on your blog.

    Sadie and I were on the first walk of the day when we saw what had happened after the EXTREME winds last night. It roared...No, tornado warnings though.

  3. Yikes! When trees start doin' that, it is officially blowing too hard! Hope there's been no damage to home or person over there!

  4. tom sorenson - Home and person are fine, thanks!

    I did get out of bed when I heard the wind...
    reminded me of the tornado that went through in the summer of 2000.

  5. Must have been a scary night for you...I have been in a tree stand hunting when a tree fell in the woods and can you believe I made a horrible noise. At least its on the road and not on your house. Sadie is taking it all in...she knows that tree is not suppose to be there.

  6. marian love phillips - Yes, Sadie was confused 'cause the tree wasn't there the day before when we were out and around.

    I hate when the wind gets to high. We have a big oak hanging over our bedroom.


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