Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Buck Fever

Well folks it has begun! Buck fever is starting here at Timber Life. This guy has been hanging around in the close neighborhood. The same buck I believe I saw with the doe a week ago, in the west pasture. From my vantage point I saw eight points. Got this picture with my Hubby's camera. I had taken my camera with me in the car, and it didn't make it back into the house, because of plans for today. The attempt to go behind the house, to my car in the drive, at the side was almost successful. Freezing in my tracks didn't help this time . He swiftly exited once he got anxious. Checking back in the archives here, I wrote about "Sparring Whitetail Bucks", on October 16,2007 . Wonder if this buck happened to be apart of that bunch? Needless to say , once again that internal - primal awakening is raising the awareness of that rustling sound coming through the brush... ;)


  1. Oh, how I can't wait for season to get here.

  2. I hear ya! As Arthur so eloquently said in his post yesterday, it's in the air!

  3. Simplyoutdoors/Tom Sorenson- The excitement continues to increase. A repeat of the two bucks I saw the other day before the light was totally up came this morning.

    Sadie and I were on our way out to the field when we saw them in the bean field. They were accompanied by an older fawn. Then we rousted some does by a wood pile...What a good start for our day! ;)

  4. That's nice to see a buck out your window....Love it. Yes, it's in the air. :)

  5. Marian Love Phillips - It is fun to watch out the windows to see what widlife will show-up at all hours of the day or night. ;)


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