Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Geese In The Mist

Before 9:00 A.M. today - Sadie and I were given a concert by at least 4 different V's of Canadian Geese flying around treetop looking for a place to set down. The August fog started building around 11:00 last night. The moon made the gradual development over the bean field to above the treetops rather ethereal. The first V came last week on August 6th, a group of approximately 20, flew low over the end of the drive a half mile to the west of the house. Beginning to make me wonder if they are getting started on their way south ,because winter is going to be early this year??? ;)


  1. I was wondering the same thing, because I have been seeing a ton of geese in the fields on my way to work in the morning.

    I guess it is getting to be that time of year, but it just seems to be a little early.

  2. Don't scare me like that! I don't want to even THINK about winter! :) Give me hot summer days and cool fall nights - I'm not picky. :)

  3. I really don't want to think about winter either -gets to be pretty long sometimes... Will take it as it comes. ;)

  4. I love to hear the geese flying over in the Fall. I've been known to run outside and watch them if I'm in the house when I hear them.

  5. kristine- I heard the geese first of all when Sadie and I went out for one of our morning jaunts. Went inside to grab a camera. Caught 2 of the V's in pictures,and heard another 2 coming, but didn't get to see them due to the fog. Love to watch them too. ;)

  6. I hope not and it feels and smells and sounds like fall here. What a surreal picture.

  7. windyridge - Yes, I must agree about the feeling in the air of the changes to our next season. Looking forward to what it will bring. Just hope it isn't snow until the last of December.;)

  8. I love your picture of the geese flying over in the mist. A very cool shot! Does not seem like early for us here in MS...still hot and humid down here.

  9. marian love phillips - Hope we can send you down some cooler weather. We are in the Mid 80's for temps, but the humidity has gone down some.


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