Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beautiful Snow

It doesn't take you long to see that we are once again Beginning to look a lot like Christmas. We along with many others will see a white holiday in a little over a week due to the weather systems passing our way this week. Today is the fourth day of the Second Shotgun season. Sunday,day two, was the last time I was out to attempt to hunt. Around 7:00 A.M. I positioned myself at the northeast corner of the house. Deer were feeding under the far Oak trees, closest to the fence, seen in the picture. They had started to move to the east. My target was a dominant doe...She had started to move, paused between two small saplings, I took a shot with my little Remington 20 gauge. She hopped as if she had been stung, took off over the fence leading her group without stopping in my line of sight. The clan went wild, joined another bunch munching on exposed pasture grasses and took of for the safety of my mentor/neighbor's timber. Checking for a bloodtrail - coming up with nothing this time around...with the temperatures taking a real nose dive Sunday morning, around 10:00 A.M., it has become very uncomfortable to be out since then. The season continues until next Sunday. Only time will tell if I will brave the elements after the wily Whitetail...


  1. Maybe you will get another chance. You need to get hubby to build you a tree stand with a roof and all for next season and you can put a heater in it. Looks like you have some nice trees for one. I hope you get another chance at the doe. I know she will be back. Goodhunting!

  2. Marian Love Phillips - Hubby sits through some of the hunting shows I've been tuned into lately. Gals and guys using tree stands. I think he is absorbing some of the info on the positive outcomes of having blinds etc...to get out of the deer's plane of sight and smell.

    I know I am ready to hide.;)

    Thanks Marian!

  3. Hopefully you will get another chance out. I love the beauty of a fresh snow fall.

  4. The Hunter's Wife - Snow is beautiful when nothing has made a path through it yet...An accent layer on
    the top surfaces of the tree limbs.;)

    The next weather arriving here Thursday night will bring us ice and more snow.

    Safety to all where the winter storms are starting to make their presence known...

  5. The fresh snow does make for a gorgeous landscape. We got plenty last night, with more on the way.

    I hope you get a chance to get back out hunting.

    Good luck!

  6. Hope you get another chance. Success comes to the persistent hunter eventually. I like the landscape picture, now that I am done shovelling tons of snow I can look at it again. The weather forecast said we would get another two feet of the white stuff before Christmas. Looking out the office widow the thermometer reads -22 degrees Fahrenheit.


  7. Simply Outdoors - Thanks for the well wishes...I did get out a couple more times but no backstraps. ;)

  8. Othmar Vohringer - Thanks for helping me to keep our weather in perspective.

    You certainly have a few more feet of white stuff than we do... We have been to -25 this year.(wind chill that is)

    Family obligations filled my last couple of days for hunting and the fierce north winds have ended my season tomorrow.

    I had fun though...;)


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