Thursday, January 15, 2009

Timber Life's Tundra

This is the start of our regular route to the outside world beyond Timber Life. Walking in windchills between -30 and -40 to get pictures further down the drive aren't in the plans today. Hubby made a path with our Belarus tractor out in the fields yesterday to get our 4x4 pick-up out to the road a half mile to the west. He missed work on Monday and things were beginning to stack up so he had to make the 45 minute drive. The wind blew things back in as he returned to park the tractor...Instead of risking the possibility of having to walk in the dark he made some arrangements to stay with his brother overnight. It looks like he will stay another night in town since he must make sure he gets to work before 8:00 in the morning. Alternate path in soybean field So goes the winter life on Timber Life's Tundra. Stay warm everybody... ;)


  1. Isn't this weather crazy. You stay warm as well!

  2. The Hunter's Wife - It has been some "crazy weather" lately.

    Will be glad for next week with temps in the 30's they say at the moment.

    Sadie and I only make short
    trips outside these past 5 days. ;)

  3. WOW...I'm glad I live in Mississippi...don't know if I could handle all that snow but its pretty to look at. Will get down to 19 degrees tonight which we don't see very often. You and Sadie take care and stay indoors and keep warm...hope your hubby gets home OK.

  4. We have had a tough winter out our way, too, but I still think you guys got us beat.

    Be safe, the cold can zap human and animal before you know it!

  5. This Winter has been brutal. Hopefully it starts to let up pretty soon.

  6. Mel - I believe all of us in the nation have seen some type of weather that we would rather had gone on over.

    Something like "Don't rain on my parade." ;)

  7. Simply Outdoors - I think you folks up north have us beat with snow accumulation.

    Stay safe.

  8. Marian Love Phillips - Still have to work on getting Hubby back in. Not to sure the tractor won't gel up when I go to clear a path later today.

    Exciting, exciting....I may be among the walking, in the cold.

    Sadie does a hop and a skip to keep her feet from being in contact with the ground for to long. ;)

  9. I feel your pain. We've been both snowed on and frozen. I don't think we've gotten above 11 degrees all week. The roads are not nice.

    Oh well, guess that's what I get for living in Northern Michigan.

  10. Isn't it supposed to be spring soon? I need some warmer weather!

  11. Your tundra looks like my tundra! We just had our first lamb in minus 18 degree weather.

  12. Kristine - I don't think it matters about location this year for cold , but I think you probably have much more snow than we do.

    Blessed - I heard a television Weatherman say it was only 65 more days until the calendar date of Spring....that was in the middle of the week. Maybe if we keep this weather up it will get it out of it's system and we can move on to warmer sunshine.

    Windyridge - I know what you are going through with trying to get in and out. I will have to come over to your blog to see a picture of the lamb. Last weekend on our foray into town for groceries I saw some black,very young calves in a field enduring the frigid temps...

    Everybody stay warm!


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