Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January Projects

January was somewhat of a rough month for me weather wise. Oh yes...I am not alone in this, not at all! However, I decided that I would work on things I could see change from time to time. I went to the Michael's Arts and Crafts store after Christmas and found some good deals on pound skeins of yarn. One skein down...two to go. Looking online for patterns I keep finding and saving things I want to do, but that would mean another trip to the store. Some day I will take my list if I can find another good sale. My favorite way to shop and find exactly what I am looking for is online.

These scarves were made for a specific person. The same person I made this Christmas scarf for.I have found a way to keep occupied on top of keeping Sadie happy and working on my schoolwork. What are you doing on top of your responsibilities to help chase the winter blues away? ;)


  1. I try to play with the dog when I can. But even he doesn't want to play outside because it's hard to run and it's so cold.

    Usually then I resort to movies, or house chores, or something like that to chase the blues away.

    I'm ready for Spring.

  2. Simply Outdoors - At least you have a plan to find things to occupy the time inside. I'm sure house chores to help your wife is appreciated. Of course Abby needs a bit of attention.

    Sadie is doing good with learning to catch a frisbee in the freezing winter winds. We have a space on the southside of the house that is becoming open again for a space to play. It is sporadic for us to enjoy that specific activity. I am finding I need to start working with her inside now on walking "on leash" again.

    41 Days until Spring ;)

  3. Your scarves are beautiful.

    Besides work? My favorite is to watch a few movies just relaxing. I'm very close to my family so someone is usually stopping by for a few hours and sometimes overnight.

  4. The Hunter's Wife - Thanks! I am finding that scarves are just about right in length of time spent to concentrate on a project. ;)

    It sounds like to me you are always at work on one project or another.

    I have grandkids within 6 miles of us but haven't spent much time with them due to the 1/2 mile barrier in the frigid temps.


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