Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dancing with the Stars - Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas

Last night on the highly competitve television show Dancing with the Stars, Iowa native Shawn Johnson, and her dance partner Mark Ballas, narrowly won the top prize.

Their high energy freestyle dance kept them on the move from start to finish. It had audience appeal,everyone seemed to be drawn in by the vivacious actions of the young couple.

I would like to congratulate them on their win. A reward for all the hard work they put in to get to the top. ;)


  1. I didn't get a chance to watch the final. I usually watch the last few shows but didn't get to this year.

  2. The Hunter's Wife - Sorry to hear you weren't able to catch the last few episodes of Dancing with the Stars...Being from Iowa and close to the Hometown of Shawn Johnson, I needed to keep up on what was happening with her, and her dance partner... ;)


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