Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joining the Morel Mushroom Hunters

Ahhh, 4:00 in the afternoon rolled around yesterday. The bird sound went off on the wall clock and Sadie headed for the door to go outside. I pulled myself away from the Office Professional Word 2007 individual studies I have been working on...Away we went! This week,the week before Mother's Day, is usually the week we start seeing morels here,then it seems to end abruptly at that point, or we stop looking. It took me a while to find them. I went to the place that has been the most productive since we moved here and started searching. As you can see they are hiding out of view. I removed some vegetation before snapping a couple of pictures. The timber has been holding moisture, a down slope from the tillable ground has brought the water to the surface . Sadie and I felt pretty good after our romp in the woods. She found the water and had a good mud-pack going on;I found some mushrooms to put on the table for supper. What a great way to end the day?!? ;)


  1. Those little greys can be a bear to find. I'm hearing that the big yellows are starting to pop up.

  2. Wandering Owl - We usually don't catch the little greys, just the yellow ones. This year I checked before the Mayapples bloomed. ;)

  3. That is pretty cool. I've yet to try out this mushroom hunting stuff, but it sounds like a pretty good time. It might help to ease the turkey hunting withdrawals I'm currently going through.

  4. Simply Outdoors - I would certainly suggest hunting morels. Don't forget a stick to move foilage...those things like to hide. ;)

  5. My husband always talks about his Dad and how they would go mushroom hunting. It's funny that simple things like that are so full of memories now.

  6. The Hunter's Wife - That is wonderful that your husband got to learn about mushroom hunting from his Dad. A good time spent together. ;)


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