Sunday, May 31, 2009

"UP"- Movie Review

Today, I would like to share my opinion of a movie that from all outward appearances might appeal to children 7 years and older. There is alot of color and continuous activity so if you need to entertain younger brothers and sisters they too might find the movie an enjoyable experience. Hubby and I enjoy checking out flicks in the theater that might be good to give our grandchildren when they come out on DVD, or add to our library when we have sleep-overs. This movie is about an old man, Carl Fredericksen, who made a promise throughout his life to his childhood sweetheart/wife to visit a faraway place together. The idea to explore was brought about by the tales of an an adventurer they both admired greatly when they were children..."Cross his heart." To my surprise I saw a cameo shot in the movie of a deer that reminded me a whole bunch of Deer Camp Blog'sThunderhoof. You'll have to go check out this movie no matter your age. We saw plenty of other couples young and older without kids, but if you would rather...I bet you know a youngster that would enjoy an afternoon matinee to make you legal. Hubby and I give it five stars - the best rating. ;)


  1. Thanks for the movie review, I think this is one my son Tyler might like.

  2. Rick & Tipper - It is funny and thought provoking at the same time.
    Glad to send a good word along about something noteworthy...I know things are subjective when it comes to movies.Hope you're able to check it out for yourselves. ;)

  3. It's too bad my daughter isn't older - then maybe we could go to the theatre to check it out. But at 8 months of age, I think I'll just wait and rent it when it comes out on DVD.

    It sounds like a good flick, though. I'm glad you both enjoyed it.

  4. Simply Outdoors - Yes, it might be kind of a stretch for Abby to sit still through the whole movie. Watching it at home isn't a bad idea either.

    Do you have "Redbox" movie rentals in your part of Michigan? A pretty economical way to get to see new releases when they come out. If you haven't already found them. ;)

  5. Well, I will chime in with the fact that I have several grandchildren who might enjoy this also. Ever once in awhile we do the weekend matinee thing. Thanks for the review.

  6. Mel - Yes, I believe it would be fun to take the grandkids to see an "UP" matinee...if you get a chance. ;)

  7. thanks for the link, and will go see it. That stupid deer now thinks he is a movie star.

  8. Editor - You have to look quick, but Thunderhoof is standing there plain as day. Glad to send people your direction. ;)


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