Thursday, August 6, 2009

Media Tour of New Bass Pro Shop in Altoona, IA

  The Channel 13 News in Des Moines,IA has opened up the Bass Pro Shop in Altoona, IA to it's viewers. Yes, they mentioned it was a media tour and everyone else would have to wait...Oh well. The Grand Opening for the new store will be in three weeks, a date already scratched off on my calendar. The time I have waited to go checkout the hunter's paradise will soon be rewarded. Another post will be forthcoming when I finally step foot in the huge retail outlet. This picture was taken July 21,2008. What a difference a year has made... ;)


  1. We have a Bass Pro not very far from us, but I have to tell you that yours looks better; ours is kind of small.

    Have fun on your first visit.

  2. Simply Outdoors - I think it would be interesting to find out how they determine what size of store to build in each location.

    In the interview they revealed they used some items found locally to build the store...Barn boards for the floor and items used in the General Stores circa 1930's. Truly they are working on making it fit the area.

  3. You wil enjoy going there cdgardens...we have one about 60 miles from here and would love to go back one day. It was awesome but looks like your store will have much more to offer. Have fun when you go. We ate there and I had a buffalo burger and it was good! :)

  4. Marian Love Phillips - This store looks like a very positive addition to the neighborhood.

    Thanks for telling me about your Buffalo Burger, that might be something I aught to check-out on my visit in a week from Thursday.


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