Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eureka LadyBug Sleeping Bag

In June I entered a drawing over at The Hunter's Wife.

Jody at The Hunter's Wife was sponsored by The Eureka Camping Tent Co. for the drawing, to celebrate the National Great Outdoors Month, and The Great American Backyard Campout.

I  had the opportunity to use the little sleeping bag this summer when my granddaughters came to spend the night on two different occassions.

Pictured above is oldest granddaughter in July  - she had a favorable opinion of the little Eureka Ladybug sleeping bag. She started out on the couch snuggled in the sleeping bag with her favorite blankie and stuffed animal, eventually ending up on the floor,still snuggled in the sleeping bag. When she woke up she said that she  found it comfy - cushy.

Youngest granddaughter came in August,she didn't spend all night in the sleeping bag. Changing her sleeping location from one room to another without Grandma knowing, leaving the sleeping bag in the original spot. So, to this point  she doesn't have a review to share.

Once again I would like to thank Jody and the Eureka Camping Tent Co. for having the drawing and providing a fantastic product. ;)

Disclaimer: In accordance with a new law being implemented soon, I would like to let it be known that in no way am I receiving financial reward for sharing my opinion or to use the product.


  1. I'm glad at least one of them liked it and it was comfy cushy. lol

  2. The Hunter's Wife - I really appreciate the sleeping bag and there are at least 3 or 4 years of use for it yet. A review by youngest granddaughter could happen ...on her own terms.

    Yes, "comfy-cushy" was what came out of her mouth when I asked what oldest grandaughter thought about the little LadyBug. I chuckled to ;)

  3. That's a real nice sleeping bag cdgardens. I know your granddaughters have enjoyed sleeping in the color also and the Ladybug!

  4. Marian - The color of the sleeping bag is very little girl friendly and Grandma likes it too.

    Thanks Marian...the Ladybug is a sweetheart and very strong willed. Reminds me of her Grandma. ;)


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