Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving is around the corner and as a woman who takes responsibilty for trying to make sure the holiday doesn't go by without the family having Turkey I bought one at the store.

Fall Wild Turkey season started here in Iowa on October 12th. I haven't bought a license,but have put some turkeys to flight when I interupted their soybean field dining experiences when driving into the otherside of our property. They get startled and take flight into the trees or run and hide in the high weeds.

Those old birds always find their way to the properties around us once the crops are out of the field  until after the season passes. My only draw back is that I limit myself to a "landowners tag"...It never fails, a few days after  Shotgun Deer starts and Turkey season ends they come back to wander the ravine just south of my house.

Not to worry though - this year as in the past my hunting mentor Merlin Klaas came through with a good looking  turkey for our holiday. He saw him feeding on some turnips planted in a food plot  to the East of our timber , getting his shotgun it only took one shot before the longbeard took an unexpected ride to my house.

The Tom had a beard measuring eleven inches and dressed out at 12 lbs.

It is my understanding that some people just use the breast meat, but here at Timber Life we consume the legs and edible organ meat as well. I have learned to cook the turkey in about an inch of chicken broth in the bottom of a covered pan, in a slow oven of 325 degrees. Checking frequently to see if the meat needs basted.

Grandchildren  Nick, and Alexa came to visit me that Friday,when their High School football team went to the State play-offs, so they got to witness the bird being cleaned. While Merlin was processing the bird I asked Nick when were we going to eat it. His answer was "for  Thanksgiving."

Nothing like having a Wild Turkey to serve up and thank God for the bounty he has set forth in nature.....;)


  1. Here is an early Happy Thanksgiving to your family. Enjoy that good looking bird.

  2. Mel - You and your's have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. We will certainly enjoy our turkey. Thanks! ;)

  3. That is a good looking tom for sure and it sounds like you can sure cook a turkey.
    I hope you all have a very nice holiday.

  4. Rick Kratzke - I have learned by trial and error over a few years the best technique to get a tender wild bird. lol ;)

    We at Timber Life would like to wish you and your's a nice holiday too.

  5. That's a neat picture cdgardens....May you and yours have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  6. Marian Love Phillips - Thank you Marian.

    We wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving. ;)

  7. I'm sure he'll taste great on the Thanksgiving table. Wild turkey is extremely delicious. Now I can't wait for our Spring turkey season to get here.

  8. Simply Outdoors - Yes, I enjoy the meat of the wild turkey too.

    Spring Turkey here is different than the Fall as it is everywhere. I know that the Turkey use the area in the first picture for their courting rituals and spend a greater amount of time in our timber.

    I know you will be sucessful come Spring! ;)


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