Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Birds Are Back

In a comment left yesterday The Hunter's Wife said...Great pictures. We are having great weather. Saw a Robin last week...spring is here!
          I wasn't able to say that I had seen a Robin until this morning when a bunch came through - traveling with some Blackbirds and  Bluebirds. The Robin males had made their visible return to the Des Moines area Southwest of Timber Life some three weeks ago. They must have decided it was to early at that point to hit the countryscape.

There was a group of Blubirds darting through the air from perches to the ground looking for food.

This little Cardinal male looked a bit ruffled by all the outsiders stopping by to sit in his tree and eat his food on the ground. He was having a bad feather day...

As time goes on I know all of us will be able to add daily the evidence towards the impending calendar date called Spring a week from Saturday. ;)


  1. We've had snow at the end of March many times. With this 60's weather and thunderstorms it doesn't seem we would get anymore snow. But I guess you never know.

  2. The Hunter's Wife - Most definitely we usually get more snow after the birds head north. Sometimes you wonder why they jump the gun. Mother Nature has her reasons. I bet we get a good storm come the last day of the month. ;)

  3. Great pictures! I saw my first robins this year just today. And heard a red-winged blackbird, which is my favorite indicator that spring has sprung.

  4. wanderingowloutside - All the birds have their timetables for arrival around here. Usually you see the Mourning Doves next. Then the Orioles show up when the catkins are in bloom on the Oaks, Meadow Larks, Vultures. etc...etc...etc... So much to look forward to! ;)

  5. Thanks for sharing about the birds returning CDGarden...nice pictures. I know you and Sadie are looking forward to Spring for sure. Spring has already sprung here in Mississippi. :)

  6. A lot of our feathered friends are making their return, and I love it. Spring is here.

  7. Marian Love Phillips - You are right about us looking forward to Spring.

    I have seen the forecasts for tornadic Springtime weather in the South. Stay safe...;)

    Simplyoutdoors - The song and color our feathered friends bring brightens the season. ;)


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