Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Timber Life Sounds

Posted by on April 29, 2010 by CDGardens

Being out and about looking for the unusual Raptor that stopped by Timber Life recently, I decided to catch the morning sounds that had been giving me a treat as I work in my garden, trying to get it back in working order.

The video skill isn't super but will bring back memories for a peaceful retreat come the dead of next winter, when I need a boost into the new season once again. ;)


  1. I've never enjoyed more peace and the sounds of nature until I went on my first fishing trip.

    Love it!

  2. Those sound very similar to the sounds I every morning as I walk out the door. The little one loves them, and is always pointing at them to make sure I'm paying attention.

  3. The Hunter's Wife - Thanks! I love the peaceful sounds of the fishing atmosphere too. Haven't gotten out for that trip yet but the season sure has arrived. ;)

    SimplyOutdoors - It is so fun when little ones become aware of their surroundings. Glad the familiar sounds of nature touches your neighborhood refreshing! ;)

  4. Being outdoors for me, especially in the early morning when birds seem to be calling us all to a new day, is very rewarding for me. Your area sure is "greening" up well.

  5. Mel - Early morning is my favorite part of the day. Yes, we are certainly seeing a lot of the new green and spring blooms already.

  6. Really nice CDGardens..enjoyed listening to the birds sing. I know it will help you to watch it again in the winter and enjoy it all over again. :)

  7. Marian Love Phillips - Yes, it certainly will help to gather things from the warmer days to re-play when the winter becomes extra long for me. ;)


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