Friday, July 23, 2010

Yellowstone Bison Attacks

The news is buzzing about the Bison attack at Yellowstone National Park.

Reviewing the video caught by one of the individuals targeted by the Bison shows they weren't using good judgement in their proximity to the wild beast.

Someone else definitely made a poor choice when they pelted the animal, endangering others with that decision. It is my opinion that the animal would not have been disturbed by its observers if it hadn't been enraged by the assault. Purely conjecture on my part...

Time and time again we find how short sighted people become when they get too close to wild animals who's behaviors are totally unpredictable.

I am very glad that all the individuals survived the attack - they have a story to share...


  1. Wow, that's scary! We need to remember that we're in their territory and keep a respectful distance.

  2. Kim Gibson - We certainly do need to respect the space of wild creatures who won't stop to consider the well being of a human.

  3. I guess that the woman suffered from her friends stupidity, hope that he now understands that it wasn't a T.V. show.

  4. Murphyfish - Yes, the woman was unfortunate to have decided to follow her friend and face the wrath of a raging bison bull. It could have ended differently...I am glad they live to spread the word to be careful when it comes to animals in the wild.

  5. Just catching up tonight on some of my BlogBuddies. This woman and man are very fortunate indeed! The interview after the video sums it up really well. (Just don't do what I did, people!)

    Every year tourists are injured or killed because their ego gets in the way of following the rules that are handed out freely when you are in the park, plus, there are signs everywhere.

  6. Mel - WArning signs are posted, but as we know, humankind can sometimes do the darnedest things. ;)


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