Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Barred Owl Trail Camera Moment

I last posted about my new Bushnell Trophy Cam. At that time I was changing its location every day or two. I have so many places and animals to watch...

When I picked up my memory card on the morning of November 3rd, it took me a minute to decipher the first image, not what I had expected. It wasn't a deer!

It looks like a Barred Owl was doing a little night time hunting in range of the camera.

I have found a website that offers recorded vocalizations of male, and female, separately and an interaction between the two. Maybe you too have been treated to their raucous exchanges on your visits outside? Their range covers half the United States and extends into Canada.

Commonly here at Timber Life about 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon the calls start echoing - letting the timber know they are awake, and soon will be leaving their nests to begin the hunt.

There were some extremely early morning hours this past Summer, when I wasn't aware of how close they were until one of their unusual owl calls came slicing through the pitch black darkness to stir my half awake brain cells. If I wasn't awake before, I certainly was after.

I am glad to share the same space and get a chance to see what the outdoor life offers when the Trail Camera brings them into view...;)

Note of Recognition: I would like to thank  Mr. Bob Pearson for granting me permission to link to the Barred Owl vocalizations on his website. I appreciate the work he has done to provide them for public education.


  1. Exciting to always see what photos will come from your trail cam.

  2. The Hunter's Wife - Thanks! I do have some pictures for the future that are rather comical.

  3. Very neat! I think that's the first bird of prey I've seen in anyone's trail camera.

  4. Gorges Smythe - Thank you! I am not sure I have ever seen a bird of prey either on anyone's trail camera. It certainly was a surprise for me when I saw it.

  5. What a very cool trailcam picture. I've capture quite a few things, but never an owl. Very cool!

  6. THAT is awesome! First time I've seen a trail cam pic of an owl. Nice catch!

  7. SimplyOutdoors and Casey - Thanks! I am pleased to be able to track night time activity of the owls or what ever walks past the camera. It has been a real pleasure the last month - getting something recorded every day. The only thing I haven't gotten so far, and know is here,the wily coyote...

  8. Pretty cool. I know there are a lot of owls where I hunt but seeing them is pretty rare. I'd like to photograph them with my slr camera. Every time I see one during daylight hours I never have it with me.

  9. Moose - Thank you! I would love to see pictures of the owls taken with your slr camera if you can catch them. I know they don't sit still very long when they know they are being observed. I did catch a short-earred owl in silhouette against the waning light of day this summer with our slr camera for my personal picture album...


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