Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blog Hiatus

Good day all!

I wanted to stop by my blog and let people know that right now I am out and about. Experiencing the outside,working on the house Hubby and I are building , helping my Mother begin her transition from one living arrangement to another,trying to get a garden established...

I would like to apologize for not stopping to read my blogs that used to be my daily ritual. Some days I just don't want to concentrate.

Writing blog posts mentally is entertaining, but if I don't put it on paper when I'm thinking about it ,I lose whatever could have been thoughts to share. You might call it a "fleeting thought".

Again, I would like to wish  you all a Good Day! I hope to check-in again soon...


  1. Dropping by to check on you. I was just thinking about you and your home...hopefully, you guys will be in it by the fall and have your first Christmas in your new home this year! Take care and keep in touch! Marian :)

  2. Marian Love Phillips - Thank you for stopping by! We are as busy as little bees trying to get the house whipped into living condition. Time will tell where we will be by the fall. It would be very nice to have our first Christmas in it this year... :0)


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