Sunday, February 19, 2012

Visit to Habitat for Humanity ReStore Part 2

A week ago I got the chance to make my first visit to the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. It had a plethora of new, and used items available that has great potential be incorporated into someone's building plans. 

This aisle is one we spent a good deal of time sorting through the displays.

Des Moines has a couple of areas of large turn of the century homes - once owned by the founding businessmen...I can imagine these cast iron tubs being apart of the modern fixtures of that era, or a little beyond.

I was trying to imagine how one of them might work in our situation. A consideration also made was who would be lifting that tub in, and out, of our pick-up both here and at home. Well, the cast iron tubs remained on the showroom floor for someone else to arrange to take home.

My childhood home had a claw footed cast iron tub which comes to mind - my paternal grandmother's parent's built our two story farmhouse. I don't know much of their history, they passed away before I met them.

Hubby and I were checking out a bunch of things that day. Floor coverings of course are among many things yet to procure off the check-list. We found some linoleum, but decided we would pass it by that day. Waiting to get things in the order they are needed.

This was one of the used kitchen sets available upon our visit.  It created an  interest in me, not being sure of our total area, and almost positive we probably wouldn't be able to find additional matching cabinets, I left it. However,I bet it has found a home since our visit;a great value for someone at the price of $700.

They do carry new cabinets you can order by by style, color and your own configuration. Another option for those trying to find just the right look to fit their creative mental conceptions.

Hubby stopped to visit the ReStore a few days before our joint adventure. He sent me a cell phone picture of this awesome 8x10 area rug. I was glad to see it up close, and one day I believe at least one of similar design will be apart of the decor here at Timber Life.

The theme for our abode will need to encompass both the love of the outdoors and aeronautics; should prove an interesting feat to accomplish.

Eventually we came to some decisions, our initial excursion completed,and plans for return as the need arises.

Happy with our choices, we left with smiles on our faces....A great way to to start the day!

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