Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Walk

This morning I decided to get out to check the farmer's pond adjacent to our pasture for the increased populations of migrating waterfowl passing through our spring  flyway.

                  Light of day was just beginning to rise as I caught these pictures in a valley like setting.

           Coming out of the house I spotted the Eagle across the cornfield perched in a fence line tree.

Then in the opposite direction I caught this Red-tailed Hawk making use of the frequently used Cottonwood perch. It's brilliant white contrast against a darkening cloud bank was awesome.

It turned out I was not alone in surveying the activities of our little part of  Iowa. Sadie and I had company peering over the fence at the opposite side of the pasture. I only became aware of our visitor when I turned to look around before moving to a different location for pond viewing; adding another member of the fauna to put in the daily picture log.Once it realized it wasn't alone it disappeared.

The temperature was extremely frosty just after sunrise - I didn't stay out for long. Snow is showing up on the weather map since I came back to the house, but again not a huge event.

Spring temps this week should continue to add to the return of Timber Life residents that call the south home for a few months. So far I have heard Killdeer, Red-winged Blackbirds,heard and seen Robins during our fluctuating weather.

What really signals spring for me is the return of the hummingbirds,orioles, and vultures. Keep checking back...I will let you know when that happens.


  1. A charming walk that must have been.

    1. vicomtesse- Yes, it was a very charming walk...

  2. I wished we lived closer together where we could walk in the timbers together. Thanks so much for sharing your walk with us. Very nice! :)

  3. Marian Love Phillips - It would be great to have someone to share the timber trips...Glad to share what I see.


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