Thursday, June 14, 2012

Off to the Timber the Berries are Ready

The Wild Raspberries  and Gooseberries are ready. This week I am working to gather what I can before the weather heats up again later today, thru the weekend.

Our lack of rain and the heat could take away the ability of the small unripe berries to mature...

Faithful Accomplice
Sadie and I were out early this morning, minding our own picking, when we heard an unfamiliar animal sound emanating just to the east of our patch. My first reaction was, "Oh, that's nice." Apparently, I wasn't hearing things, because Sadie, sat at attention listening attentively.

A repeat of the first agitated whatever it was brought  a couple of barks out of Sadie to let the animal(s) know, it had company of a different species  in the vicinity.

That must have done the trick  - no other vocalizations or activities were heard, and a slight disappointment arose when I didn't get to see what it was that had garnered those few fleeting seconds of the unknown...

It's time to be off to the timber!

See you later.


  1. Wish I was there to help you and Sadie pick the berries...looks good! I love wild berries! Be careful and have fun! Give Sadie a pat on the head for me...she's a Good Girl! :)

  2. Marian Love Phillips - It would be good to have another set of hands to get the berries before they are harvested by the birds and other interested parties. I always have fun when I am out and about...Sadie is a very Good Girl and I will give her a pat on the head from you. :)


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