Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Golden Tongued Orators

Question of the day...Who do you consider to be down to earth individuals using their everyday existences to provide an entertaining point of view?

I digress a bit here to build my thought process.

Turning on the television  early A.M. Sunday I found the US Farm Report just getting started. I watched the reports for the crop markets and continued drought forecast. Although I am not a producer myself part of my income is derived from the success of my cropland renter. So I see it as a good thing to keep informed of the current news in farming.

Getting back to the program - a little while later another part of the show brought a smile to my lips.We need some humor in our lives to temper the difficult moments...

It was time for Baxter Black to bring his cowboy poetry to us. Maybe you know of Mr. Black? My first exposure to him came when he used to provide his humor to local Public Broadcasting Systems on late Saturday evenings,they would use his quotes for the day as lead-ins to the next show.

Please find one of his take on the rigors of a rancher borrowing money from the banker.

Another man whose humor I found to keep one thinking was Garrison Keillor of "A Prairie Home Companion" fame.I was first introduced to his story telling skills also on the Iowa Public Broadcasting system a long time ago.

Our trips back and forth to Jamestown,ND. over Interstate 94 passed the Anoka, Minnesota  exit brought my memories back to Mr. Keillor's " The News from Lake Wobegon."

Here is one of his monologues about the fictitious little town he calls home,  Lake Wobegon.

                                            The Lake Wobegon Philosophy by Garrison Keillor

I hope I could add something to your listening enjoyment during these winter months when a change of pace may be what the Dr. ordered...

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