Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our Flat Stanley Project Day One

It  was a day like any other, Thursday, January 24th, time to go retrieve the mail from the  mailbox at the end of our 1/2 mile drive. Our Springer Spaniel Sadie hopped up into the truck to take her place on the passenger side.

Collecting the mail I saw we had gotten a letter from our youngest Granddaughter. Usually when we  get an envelope it contains her artwork to add to our gallery.Each piece brings lots of smiles from this Grandma.

Well, it appears today she sent us artwork with a purpose.

The envelope brought a message and a cheery little guy  named Flat Stanley. Maybe you have heard of Flat Stanley? He really seems to be having some great adventures.and I hope we can add to his bucket list before he must hop back in an envelope to find his way back home.

Not long after his arrival he was working on an afghan knitting project for our oldest Granddaughter that I had been occupied with for quite awhile.. I appreciate his expertise even after having only met him a couple hours before.

I wanted to show Flat Stanley the progress Hubby had made since our Granddaughter's last visit to our new home. Presently,  the heating system isn't operating so the working conditions remain a little chilly when the temps are extremely cold outside. I apologized for not having a winter ensemble ready to keep him warm during our outdoor excursions in our Central Iowa location, but he was ready to go in whatever direction my feet would carry him.

The day had been long and eventful, Flat Stanley was exhausted. It was time for me to show him where he could find a cozy, warm  bed for a good nights rest. Tomorrow was going to be another busy day.....

I would like to share information on The Original Flat Stanley Project. You can go see more about it by clicking here...

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