Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lake Petocka - Bondurant IA

Last week I had the opportunity to take a short side trip off Iowa Highways 65/330 in Bondurant,IA. 

Turning right off the south end of the bridge coming into town I went a block west to Pleasant St. NE.
Taking another right, heading back north I traveled for another block to arrive at Lake Petocka -located at 520 Pleasant St. NE, it is to your right.  

It has been relatively easy  to keep an eye on ice fishing activities as I pass bye.

Lake Petocka was the host to a trout stocking event on January 26,2013 by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Searching on Google I found another central Iowa Blogspot Blogger talking about another trout stocking at Lake Petocka  back on November 2012. Please stop by FishnDave to catch some tips on what Fly Patterns to use for what fish you are planning to hook.

Thursday, March 7th,was the second time I had seen some birds sitting on the lake within two made me curious.

I can't verify of course that these birds were the same group that I saw earlier, but the location and count  was reminiscent of my previous fly-bye
 The bird's species was a question for me to answer after I caught them resting on the shallows of the melting ice shelf.

I found myself entertaining the thoughts of Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans

However, comparing my pictures to the physical traits seen at the Trumpeter Swan  website - then at the Snow Geese website. I found white feathers, black beak and legs coincided with Trumpeter Swans...
 Beautiful, graceful birds remaining undisturbed  by the human activity around the lake. While I visited there was only one other vehicle in the area with me watching the birds.

My research on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources  about indigenous populations provided information on the tagging and collaring of the birds. How to locate biographical information by noting the color and number. Where did they come from?

This group of birds didn't have collars and their wings weren't exposed for me to see if by chance they had wing tip tags. So, I can only guess if they were coming home from the southern states, or just stopping until the weather improves further to our north
The south side of the lake provided shallow open water.

On the opposite side of the lake there were still some ice fishermen enjoying an anglers retreat and open holes. The morning started off in the upper teens, warming to the middle thirties by the afternoon.

Ice conditions have deteriorated in recent days due to melting ice/snow. Higher temperatures with rain are creating ideal conditions for replenishing the water supplies which are in dire need, but could be leading to the end of what seemed to be another short ice fishing season.

Please click here to get a March 7, 2013 Iowa Department of Natural Resources Weekly Fishing update...

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