Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Etsy Shop Opens

Two years ago this month I was inspired to begin developing a mental concept to place pictures I thought worthy to share on note cards.It has taken me a while to get my initial inspiration to produce some pictures that  I hope will help others convey their love of the outdoors to others as well.

My future plan is to expand into to other media, but for the moment I am having 5.5"x4.00" folded note cards professionally printed to stock my shop...
Peek - A - Boo times Two

I even had an aspiring painter/blogger by the name of Bob Phillips use a couple of my cards sent to his wife, blogger Marian Love Phillips as models for some paintings. Made me smile when I heard of his reaction...

You will find a note card in my  store inventory taken by my trail camera and enhanced to bring out the deer - please  look  for "Peek-A- Boo times Two."

Ears to You

Here is one of my favorites -" Ears to You." The front bottom are the ears of a deer spending time in front of the trail camera. It turned out to have an artistic effect in framing the others standing to it's back. It made me smile because the center deer was an anterless dominant buck...still exercising his majesty and I must say he carried himself like a king.

Please take a moment  and stop by  Two Dogs Tall to see some of Bob's recent paintings. I like  his interesting technique in conveying the world around him. While you are there checkout his daughter Karen's paintings too...another wonderful artist in their family.

I am very pleased to have the paintings to include in my little personal gallery once our new home construction is ready for occupation.

It's time to take a  step forward  and present to you my  Etsy Shop that is now live - ready to share my pictures.

                                                         I am pleased to announce.....

I will not speak of my Etsy Shop here directly after today but will post an ad on the sidebar in the future if you should be interested in watching the development.

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