Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Eagle Watch

Phht! Phht! My Goodness things have become a little dusty around Timber Life...

Time has passed so quickly since the last post about the Drive-In over a year ago, I 'd better find something to talk about to get the dust put back in it's place - outside.

I have been keeping busy with my personal endeavor to capture our wildlife in this little section of Iowa.

Maybe you noticed the Eagle flying in the header??? I went out for a drive after being cooped up in the house after some very cold days and found the Eagle on a favorite perch, a dead spruce tree, next to a blacktop, not far from Hendrickson Marsh of which I speak of frequently.

It hasn't been very hard for me to become obsessed with capturing the huge black and white raptors.I have spoken of it before...One of my favorite verses in the Bible is "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40: 31    So, every chance I get I search out the calm, regal bird to quench a thirst to soar, even if it living in a vicarious moment.

I am often treated to their thermal riding activity above our house, visible from this perch off Marshall County E-63. Too often I don't have my camera at hand when they come to visit...I am glad to get every picture possible at close range.

That day the photo opportunity didn't last very long since I didn't go ahead and follow in pursuit back to the Marsh. This was the first of two pictures I took on January 11th, before heading back home.

I know there is a lot of air space here as I caught it lifting,  then falling briefly, before catching the wind as it's wings created lift to carry it home...


  1. Love the pictures of the Eagle you took. Never seen one in flight. You are so lucky to capture and see one in our great wild outdoors! :)

  2. Thank you Marian! They are awesome to watch whether you catch them soaring or sitting. :)


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