Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Voisin 35 Rises Again

     I said "YES!" and "AMEN!" when I heard Corey, my hubby say we are going to put on a new skin and do some structural modifications on the Voisin 35 to get her air worthy once again. She has been sitting collecting dust since a mishap brought her to rest.
    We are taking stock of what it will take to make the rebuild progress easier and hope to get that early tear down stage started within the next month. Please take a look around  http://www.voisin35.com/Home.html for more information and check back here for updates too!


  1. Yep. And it will look even better when we're finished!

  2. Things are moving right along on the work space re-configuration. Moving the Voisin out of mothballs isn't to far away now to begin the tear down phase.


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