Thursday, July 20, 2017

Crop Duster

We go through the summer season here at Timber Life with our eyes to the sky.

Actually, I guess we could say that about anytime of the year. Life gives us so many wonderful things to focus upon. 

The other day I heard a familiar sound floating about the neighborhood. My curiosity got the best of me.Just had to look!

I knew it could be a Crop Duster beginning the task of blanketing the corn, to protect it from the damage caused by unchecked insect populations. So, of course I grabbed my camera and headed outside!

This was a turn around trip to get headed back over an adjacent field. There were a few of them to cover the area.

A few times while I watched the plane,I smiled due to the proximity of the plane to the trees.

I knew the pilot had experience from the way he was darting and dipping, up and over the terrain.

After the first couple of trips over the field pictured above I took refuge inside the backdoor to continue shooting pictures.

I wish I could have gotten an under belly shot of the aircraft passing directly over the Ridge of the roof.

As you may have gathered already, I like taking aerial shots of flying objects from a ground elevation.

This was a finishing shot ...Time for the plane to pass on to another section,to supply a film of protection for the investment already planted.

Have a Great Day !

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