Wednesday, October 11, 2017

On our way to Estes Park

A couple of weeks ago we packed up some of the stuff I had prepared for breakfasts and lunches and headed off for a 5 - Day travel intensive excursion to Estes Park and beyond.

Sometimes when I get back from a change of venue I get another kind of reality back  again. What wasn't accomplished when it was to warm outside is now waiting for me.I don't mind. There is weed whacking to be done, trimming trees and shrubs, mowing the lawn,doing the laundry,taking care of the animals. Catching up on this and that...I guess you can say Life Happens. Enjoy it while you can...

Today, I'd love to begin sharing some pictures documenting our surroundings heading out from the Des Moines area through Nebraska so I wouldn't spend the hours on the road in one big nap.

The early morning start was to allow for daylight hours at Estes Park upon our arrival. 

As we went from Des Moines to Council - Bluffs we saw how the Wind Generators have increased in number along the I-80 corridor - to add to what we are seeing promoted as an alternate energy source.

One of my favorite early morning pictures for our first day on the road. Catching the rays  of the rising sun, a backdrop for the long haul trucker. Somehow as I concentrated on the backdrop I caught another traveler driving across my rear-view mirror. So many levels of interest to keep me thinking once I got to process the images.


Entering Council Bluffs traffic increased as rush hour was reaching a peak period.

The last time we passed through the Council Bluffs/Omaha Metro area was two years ago, when we enjoyed our  Wedding Anniversary trip with our family.

Once in a while I saw metal sculptures that definitely catch my attention and from time to time on these posts I will share them...

These particular sculptures made me think of flowers, or maybe even Edward Scissorhands but then of course you might see something different. What does it look like to you?

My on the run pictures of the two Sportsman's Paradises just off I-80 - Bass Pro in Council Bluffs taken with my Canon 7D and Cabela's in  La Vista  snapped with my cell phone since I couldn't get my big camera situated in time for a left-sided backwards shot behind the driver.                            

One last thought for the first few hours on the road.

The Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum have placed a reminder of part of our military history in plain sight.

If you haven't had a chance to get out there to see what it's all about...Maybe get a group  together and enjoy a day trip,

Thank you for riding along and I will be back soon to share another leg of our journey soon.

Have a Great Day!

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