Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Nebraska Barns, Windmills and Deer Stands

Today, I've decided to fill with pictures of some vanishing farm history found  along the I-80 corridor through Nebraska.
As you've gathered I was concentrating on a few varied objects while we traveled. I kept a  vigilant eye out for windmills,which seemed to be in operation for grazing animals more than what I've seen around us in our home state, barns or buildings with a country orientation and of course deer stands of many different designs. I'm always imagining what kind of wildlife traffic is available in such a highly trafficked area. It was quite an eye opener in June 2015 when we saw several flocks of turkeys and random sightings of deer along the Nebraska river corridors while en-route to our Colorado destination.

By the end of our total mileage during our September trip this year , I had witnessed the similar architecture of the two red barns with common roof design and painted crisscross patterns, both here in Nebraska and  South Dakota. I've looked back at the Pioneer history to try to unravel which group of European Settlers  that might have added their old world design to the early landscapes and came up with the possibilities of many peoples including German,Swedish,and Norwegian...

I hope you too can enjoy this random sampling of what keeps my mind and eyes on the move to polish my ability to take pictures on the go.

The next post will include attention getting roadside signs.

Thanks again for being apart of our skip across the state of Nebraska...One more post and we'll make it to Colorado. 😀

Have a Great Day!

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