Saturday, January 20, 2018

Our Evening at Estes Park - Part Three

These are just a few shops and attractions that caught my eye as we passed into and out of downtown Estes Park on our way to the Rocky Mountain National Park.

I was particularly drawn to the name of the restaurant pictured in the upper left hand corner, The Hunters Chop House.  They have both a Lunch Menu and a Dinner Menu. We didn't stop but definitely with so many fine dining choices throughout the city this would be included in a list of suggestions.

As we wound our way back to our night's lodging , seeing the floral displays I wondered what building we were about to pass...I truly appreciate flower plantings because they always seem to brighten up with color and soften straight lines. It came to our attention we were looking at the Estes Park Visitor Center Parking Ramp designed by Architect Michael Koch.

There wasn't enough time to see everything due to our late afternoon arrival. However, the most important part of our journey to this city was yet to be experienced and will be apart of the next blogpost, that being the Elk Rut taking place beyond the City Limits. I will share some pictures of the Elk bulls and cows that became quite the attraction to many others seeking the same thrill as Corey and myself.

Until the next blogpost...Have a Great Day!

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