Friday, December 1, 2023

Iowa Shotgun Season One Opening

 I reflect nostalgically on the beginning of my Timber Life Blog on December 7, 2006,   which began my thoughts about how I felt being in the field, hunting.  One of the greatest driving forces for beginning the Blog was my interest in the wildlife surrounding us, especially the White-tail Deer population. 

My interests and subject matter have varied overtime but the continued interest is still to share what I see in the natural world in which we live and breathe. When the animals struggle to exist, so shall we.

I myself may not hunt to harvest these days, however, I hunt and track with my prior knowledge of walking the hills and valleys. I'm aware of the health of the animals that use our ground as home during the rutting season. I sit and observe, at times I'm the one being observed.

It is with concerned awareness that the Iowa DNR has begun testing for CWD - Hunter's Field Guide. Cumulative testing results are being reported by the Iowa DNR starting back in 2013, to the present. The map indicating cases of CWD has shown isolated cases spread throughout the State, bringing to question how it could exist in populations so far apart? I'm glad to know that steps are being taken to understand how the disease travels and what impact it could have on the deer, other fauna and humankind as well.

                                             Iowa Deer Hunting Seasons 2023-2024

2023 SeasonsSeason DatesLicense On-Sale Dates
Youth SeasonSept 16 - Oct 1, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season
Disabled Hunter (Requires a permit)Sept 16 - Oct 1, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season
Archery Season, Early SplitOct 1 - Dec 1, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season
Archery Season, Late SplitDec 18 - Jan 10, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Early Muzzleloader (residents only)Oct 14 - 22, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season (until quota is reached)
Late MuzzleloaderDec 18 - Jan 10, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Shotgun, Season 1Dec 2 - 6, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season
Shotgun, Season 2Dec 9 - 17, 2023Aug 15 - End of Season
Nonresident Holiday SeasonDec 24 - Jan 2, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season (until quota is reached)

To the Iowa Whitetail Deer hunters getting out to hunt in the Iowa Shotgun Season 1 tomorrow December 2- December 6, 2023, Tag a Deer!

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