Friday, February 15, 2008

Ah, So Sweet...

If you stopped by last Thursday you heard here at Timber Life that plans for a Valentine's evening were almost complete. Hubby stopped off at the store to get some pomegranite-blueberry juice and some ginger ale. A combination that you wouldn't think that works good together. Let me tell you, I do like it, and will offer it to guests if I get the chance. My sweetheart brought home some sweets that I can't ever remember having before...Can you guess what that could be? Chocolate dipped strawberries, not a frequent off the shelf type of delight. He went through an ordeal to get them , so it made the taste all the sweeter. Ah, what we won't do for Love. Then after he got home we emptied out the big styrofoam cooler that contained our full supper. It was wonderful!

- Cooler Inventory -
1. Single White 6" candle with holder 2. Butter warmer with a small container of butter 3. Pouch of Lobster Bisque(absolutely a wonderful appetizer) 4. 2 Filet Mignon (really tender and tastey) 5. 2 Live Lobsters(easy to prepare) 6. 6 Teton Cakes(three different flavors X 2) This is our list of delights; of course you can add what ever you like to make it a complete delectable dining experience. After supper we toddled from the table to the couch to enjoy our movie. Dishes were stacked waiting for clean-up later. Hubby let me know that he had enjoyed the evening. So nice to do something that makes for good memories... I have read about some nice Valentine's Day celebrations and the introduction of a new title for the day by some singles over at Hunt Smart Think Safety. Another way of spinning the positive. Ah, So Sweet...

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