Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweethearts Day...What's the Plan?

Oh my! Oh my!! Oh my!!! Here it is already.( tongue in cheek) Have a year to get ready for SweetHearts Day , and it isn't until the last minute plans are finally coming together. Sure, things have been formulating in the back of my mind for several years about how I wanted things to proceed at some future celebration. Well, I decided this would be the year...Putting all tottering between "Should I or Shouldn't I?", aside. Shopping online made things a little easier for me at Timber Life - no going out in the cold. As the Hunter's Wife mentioned she loves her computer in comment#6. So Do I! My computer gives me a lot of information and a sense of community. Running from place to place to compare prices for product provided just doesn't appeal to me. I let my fingers do the searching. Monday, off to, I got a movie Hubby and I went to see in the theater for our anniversary two years ago. A bit of nostalgia. I had it delivered to the place he works...was to arrive Wednesday, it did according to package tracking, but he didn't get it until this morning. Tuesday, it was time to prepare for the way into my man's heart through his stomach. It would be so much easier to go out and pay someone else to do the dishes you say. Sometimes it is fun to do the cooking at home. So, I traveled over to a live lobster website to pick out a complete meal for two. I saw so many great company's advertising their wares; maybe there will be another evening planned in the off season. As I check the clock, any minute now the tasty morsels should be arriving at Hubby's workplace according to the daily schedule of the delivery service. I'll let you know how things turnout. Hope everyone has something in the plans for today...Happy Valentines!


  1. How cute is that! Hope the two of you have a great Valentines Day!

  2. the hunter's wife - Thanks,
    I believe it is going to be fun to cook a seafood feast. Get out the good dishes and silverware.;)

  3. Sounds like you had a nice day planned. I hope you had fun.

    I renamed the day Single's Awareness Day (or rather a friend of mine did) in honor
    of all of us who are currently unattached. Not that I'm a Scrooge about Valentine's Day or anything. :-)

  4. Kristine - We did have fun.
    Wouldn't be opposed to doing it again in the future.

    You might still be unattached but you do have people that think highly of you. Hope you had a nice day as well.

  5. Sounds like a great day. The wife and I stayed home, had dinner, and watched a movie together. It worked out quite nicely and was very relaxing.

  6. simplyoutdoors - Sounds like you and your wife had a real nice evening to me.;)

    Quiet can be really good when other things have been kind of hectic.

  7. Thanks cdgardens. I do know that, and I'm not as much of a Scrooge as I sounded in that last comment. I figure I'd rather be single than with someone who isn't right for me, and I also believe that Mr. Right will come along. He's just taking the scenic route.

  8. kristine - I didn't think you sounded like a scrooge...Being single gives you a different approach to the holiday made for couples. Yes, you betch'a there is Mr. Right, some where. Hope he shows up at the right time...


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