Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"The Excellent Blog Award II"

This is the second edition from Timber Life(click to read the first edition) on presenting authors in the blog world with recognition. I will be pointing attention to some blogs that may not have had recent posts for quite some time, but I liked what the writer has said. Many that faithfully bring their readers thoughtful, or entertaining perceptions of their personal life experiences. If you have some time, most of the following writers are apart of my RSS Feed or Blog Roll, maybe they will become apart of your's too if they aren't already - Alphatriology Black Bear Blog Deer Camp Blog deerPHd Huntin' Junky Hunting Life Marian's Hunting Stories, etc..etc... Outdoor Bloggers Summit - Hunt Smart Think Safety Outdoors with Othmar Vorhinger Simply Outdoors Tails and Trails The Buck Hunters Blog The Hunter's Wife The Shed Antler The Trout Hunters Blog The Wild WoodsWoman Upland Feathers

Visiting these folks and clicking on their Blog Rolls opens other windows in the 'Net. May be this gives you an idea of just how hard it is to actually name everyone that deserves to place "The Excellent Blog Award" on their site...


  1. Thanks for the link and I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Makes all the effort worth it that is for sure.

  2. simplyoutdoors- I do enjoy reading what is happening up your way.

    I will do what I can to send readers in the direction of all those blogs and websites I read when they post. Sure, I read more, but these I frequent the most. Lots of fun, thoughtful,

  3. Ol' Eagle Eyes would like to thank you also for mentioning my blog over at Idaho TroutHunter. I enjoy your visits and posts and look forward to checking in on your blog almost daily. Keep up the good work! Us BlogBuddies really help in supporting all the great outdoor blogs.

  4. eagle eyes - Thanks for stopping by.

    It does take some word of mouth promotion to get readers pointed in the direction of some really good writers. I am one small voice in a sea of thousands, but as you said Blogbuddies can stand united for a cause.

    Keep up the good words. ;)

  5. Thank you for the wonderful link. I am glad to know that our site is being read.

    Keep up the good work and I appreciate the kind words.


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