Friday, February 1, 2008

Jesus Christ Superstar Musical Review

How many of you grew up in the era of Ted Neeley, portraying Jesus in the movie"Jesus Christ Superstar?" For those of you who think nostalgically of this cinematic production, I am with you... Ok, I will put a year on it, 1973 if you'd like to know. A very controversial movie when it came out because of the artistic license taken in the depiction of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I don't have a problem with it, because I know what the Bible says on the issues. It came to the attention of our daughter's that the musical would be making a stop in central Iowa. So, for a Christmas present, they provided 2 tickets to Ted Neeley's farewell tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. The weather seemed to cooperate , no difficult commutes to attend the venue. Everything went off without a hitch - We really enjoyed the musical talents of all the actors, but of course there were those that seemed to standout. Ted Neeley, a very talented artist at age 64, still able to hit the high notes... Corey Glover, gave a wonderful performance as "Judas Iscariot". Aaron Fuksa, aka "King Herod" created some comical interactions with the audience upon arrival of his character, continuing to connect the crowd to the stage. Craig Sculli used his talent in the convincing portrayal of "Pontius Pilate." I was able to feel his pain of indecision and the ultimate choice he made. Want to know if it will be playing close to your neighborhood, click here.

It is my opinion that if you like musicals you would like this one. The choreographic expertise has all the individuals working seamlessly to present a well rehearsed production.


  1. Glad you enjoyed it. We were wondering if you would remember to go =)

  2. How could we possibly forget a chance of a lifetime? ;)

  3. Hi cdgardens - I wanted to let you know that I have a friend who I have known since high school by the name of ELLIS NASSOUR from Vicksburg who now lives in New York as a based international entertainment writer. He was selected as a Time magazine 2006 Person of the Year. He is vice president of artist relations for MCA Music, he participated in the development of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar Gold Record. If you would like you can check out his site got to:
    I also have him on my website as a link: Our City is very proud of his accomplishments. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

  4. Marian - Thank you for the information. I will be looking it up. The musical was a very enjoyable event.

    Ellis must have a lot of talent to reach the position he now holds.;)


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