Friday, February 29, 2008

Opening Day Iowa Deer Classic

February 29,2008, 3 P.M- 9:00 P.M. - Hy-vee Hall Iowa Events Center, downtown Des Moines. Today turned out to be a bright spot in the week. The weather seemed to know how important it was for all the huntresses and hunters to make their way to find out the best approaches to enjoying the pursuit of the Whitetail Deer. Those attending ranged in age from the the tiny ones being pushed in the stroller(what a great start!), to those who had many stories to tell of the one that didn't get away. This being my first event, I was impressed by the mix of vendors and outfitters ready to make some positive memories happen for those interested in going beyond the borders of the state. For those of you who are still interested in getting to check things out you can do just that today, March 1st, from 9A.M.- 7P.M. Then again on Sunday, March 2nd, the closing day, from 9A.M. - 4P.M. Check back because I will have more to share about the seminars and a few products I found interesting. Until then...have a nice day!


  1. Sounds like your weekend was very similar to mine. I was with a group that had two strollers accomodating us. Good times.

  2. simplyoutdoors - I did have a good time wandering around,looking over hunting associated paraphanalia.

    Starting the little ones off before they are able to walk imprints on their minds that this is the "normal" thing to do. Hunt...;)


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