Monday, March 3, 2008

One Spring Day

One Spring Day...That being said I must cringe with the abrupt change that developed in mid-afternoon Sunday.

Earlier Sunday it had turned off very balmy. Our snowpack was heading into the watery realm. I was pleased at how much reduction we had seen over the weekend.
The first sighting of Robins came,I looked out after Hubby pointed my attention in the direction of the front yard.My heart skipped with joy at the meaning of the moment. Spring was not far off. However, I do know that the male Robins usually show up late February to set their territories, not unusual for more winter weather once they get here. Other migrating birds have been making their way back as well. A couple of weeks ago a meadowlark was perched on an electric wire, some mourning doves were caught resting in the middle of the gravel road at the end of our drive. Grand-daughter Alexa and I saw waterbirds winging their way northward Sunday morning,they were looking for a place to sit and rest.
Oh BLAST! The clouds started filling in around 1:00, taking on the moisture laden dark color associated with rain. Good news though the precipitation didn't arrive until half past three. Things declined from there as the Alberta Clipper chased away the warming effects from the south. Once again it looks like cold through the week with a token promise of warmer temperatures come the weekend...When will it stay?


  1. I feel your pain. We had temps in the 40's yesterday and in the 50's today, but now they're talking about temps in the 20's again and some more chances of wet white stuff through the rest of the week.

    Come on Spring.

  2. simplyoutdoors - I guess we need to be thankful for the ground cover, otherwise called snow. The moisture may come in handy this summer.

    I second the "Come ON Spring."

  3. Here here for spring! Today is GORGEOUS but tomorrow awaits. YUK

  4. windyridge - Yes, I saw the weather headed your way on the radar this morning. It is covering the country from top to bottom and at full speed ahead...If I were you I would batten down the hatches. ;) (and the lamby pies too!)

  5. Mercy, Mercy, I hear you CD. We had horrible weather on Saturday (I was out ice fishing, of course). Sunday was absolutely beautiful (I was home of course). There is something about spring!

  6. Eagle Eyes - You mentioned you were ice fishing. Were you having any luck?

    Yes, I think all of us will have a "Happy Dance" when the warmer temperatures finally finds our neck of the woods...

  7. Since I live in the same state as Arthur does, though in the Northern part, we have much the same problem he described. Our lakes and rivers have been a bit low the last few years, though, so all this snowmelt will be good.

    Or so I keep telling myself.

  8. Kristine - We experienced a flooding event in the area because of the snow melt, rain and frozen ground.

    We will hope for a slow thaw when things do begin to warm so the water will go into the ground and re-fill our reserves.

    I think daily of those in the south that are struggling with the severe lack of an essential commodity.

  9. I way out here in Texas, we had a week of warm mid 60's to mid 70's and then BAM! WE got snow and it snowed all night, of course here that only equates to one or two inches then gone at sun up. But none the less we enjoyed it while it lasted.

    P.S. you know the saying the birds head south for the winter? Well they all head to Texas I think. Our trees fill with all sorts of black birds and it is as though the trees are moving on there own and you can here them chirping from inside of doors. It is very much like of Afred's movie 'the birds' down here in the winter.

  10. Debo Hobo - Up here in the north we assume since some of our people go your way for the winter that the majority of your weather is warmer...You do get surprises sometimes though, don't you? ;)

    Those blackbirds you talk about - I bet I saw them last fall on their way from north of me to down Texas way. I was glad when they finally moved on.


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